Neofiliac Decentralizes Marketing to Empower Innovative Businesses & to Serve Consumers with Sincerity (w/o blockchain)

Dr Jiulin Teng
2 min readJul 4, 2020

From late 2017 to 2019, I had been working on a project that attempted to empower innovative businesses with “product futures” that would bring advantages of the commodities futures market to B2B and some B2C settings using the blockchain technology.

While an experience of failure, this endeavor taught me the importance of an audience for emerging businesses.

However, today paid media, social media, and search rankings, etc. monetize their audiences like commodities (which indeed is an extension to how it had always been, if you read on Manufacturing Consent). Worse, unscrupulous players abuse their monopolistic positions. Consumers get the short end of the stick.

Neofiliac gives innovators voice and control.

As a new form of open marketing platform, products, articles, and companies are ranked not on a “pay-to-play” basis. Instead, all innovators have equal opportunities:

They can list detailed of their products, including photos and videos, and publish unlimited articles (that meet our Quality Standards; hence no spamming). These are sorted by industries and keywords and ranked on user ratings, newness, and parameterized searches (hence the more detail entered the better).

Neofiliac serves consumers with sincerity.

Neofiliac Homepage

All consumers can browse industries and keywords that interest them. They can also conduct parameterized searches (feature upcoming) and parameterized comparisons (of products).

Registered consumers can collect favorite companies, industries, and keywords. They can also receive results that match their interests (feature upcoming). Naturally, they are able to leave public reviews and to engage in Q&As and discussions with other users, including the innovators.

Thus, innovators directly control the message they send out to the consumers, and they receive traffic from Neofiliac so that they can sell their own products themselves.

Essentially, Neofiliac takes the “middle man” out of marketing and sales in eCommerce.

Do you own a business?

I invite you to register a free business account and start publicizing your products and news on Neofiliac:

Are you an enthusiast?

I invite you to visit Neofiliac and start engaging other consumers (direct login with LinkedIn and Google available):

While we essentially empower businesses and consumers alike by decentralizing marketing, blockchain is not involved.



Dr Jiulin Teng

Founder #Neofiliac | PhD Strategy #HEC Paris | 12 yrs Intl Experience | Data scientist | Photographer